Everyone Has Something To Give
Everyone has something to give. Share your gifts to serve others. Let us know what areas of service interest you. We look forward to matching your gifts with available opportunities.
Church Office
Our church office plays a vital role in meeting the administrative needs at our church. Volunteer opportunities to answer phones, assemble Sunday bulletins, and assist with various administrative tasks.
Member Care
If you enjoy caring for others in big or small ways, consider our Congregational Care Ministry. Opportunities include deliveries to ill or homebound members, driving members in need to appointments, sending notes of encouragement, phone calls, and visitation.
Information Center
Help before and after Sunday morning services with directions and events registration and answer questions on what is happening at First Baptist Roswell.
Media Center
Our Media Center has a large selection of adult and children’s books available for check out. Open on Sundays from 9am to 12:15pm. Volunteer opportunities to staff Center.
Golf Cart Ministry
Transport guests and members to and from parking lot on Sunday mornings.
Sunday Morning Greeters
Welcome guests and members on Sunday mornings. Direct guests to Sunday School classes and worship services.
Usher Ministry Team
Assist during worship services by handing out bulletins and helping direct guests to seats.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Planning has already begun for Roar! VBS 2019. Mark your calendar for June 10 – June 14, 2019. Volunteer opportunities for teachers, crew leaders, and helpers.
Children, Youth, & Adult Ministries on Sunday Mornings
Volunteer opportunities for Sunday School, substitute teachers in children, youth, and adult ministries.
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
MOPS is here! Join us as we encourage and equip young moms to deepen relationships with fellow moms and with God. MOPS meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month (September – May 2019). Volunteer opportunities for mentors and childcare helpers.
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday nights are full of food and fellowship. Dinner is served each Wednesday night from 5pm to 6:30pm (September through April). Volunteer opportunities for kitchen and clean-up crew.
Mission Friends teaches young children (3 year through kindergarten boys and girls) about missions and how God Colors Our World! Missions Friends is on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Teacher and volunteer opportunities.
GA’s and RA’s: missions for 1st through 5th graders. GA’s (Girls in Action) and RA’s (Royal Ambassadors) meet Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Teacher and volunteer opportunities.