Our Adult Music Ministry is a vibrant and active part of our church life. We offer choral, handbell, and instrumental groups for worshipers of all ages. We encourage you to find your place, share your gifts, and become a part of the First Baptist Roswell music family.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is the keystone to our church’s music ministry. The more than 60 member, adult choir rehearses weekly and sings each Sunday morning during worship services, as well as special concerts throughout the year. No audition is required. We encourage all adults from college age and up to be a part of this dynamic choral group. Singers focus on developing strong choral technique, as well as singing a variety of excellent repertoire from a variety of genres and styles. The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM in room 302, music suite, 3rd floor, Sanctuary building.
The Orchestra at First Baptist Roswell consists of 30 members spanning brass, string, woodwind, and percussion instruments. This group plays monthly during worship services and also takes part in special performances throughout the year. Participation is open to the community and is not limited to church members. Auditions are not required, although intermediate-level musicianship is encouraged as a prerequisite. The Orchestra rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM in room 302, music suite, 3rd floor, Sanctuary building.
Jubilee Ringers
The Jubilee Ringers is our adult handbell ensemble and regularly lead in worship and are challenged to make music at the highest level. Prior handbell experience and music reading are prerequisites for this group. Jubilee Ringers participate in worship services, special concerts, community outreach events, and handbell festivals. The Jubilee Ringers rehearse on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM in room 313, 3rd floor, Sanctuary building.
For more information,
Contact us at (770) 587-6980 or music@fbroswell.org