2023-2024 School Year RegistrationDirectorElizabeth TeatDirector, FBRKkindergarten@fbroswell.org770-587-6991 MMO / Preschool / KG / Hours, Lunch Bunch: Pre-first / Kindergarten Hours: Optional 8:45am – 12:00pm 8:45am — 1:15pm (Monday-Thursday)8:45am -12:00pm (Friday) 12:00pm – 1:15pm ( Monday-Thursday) Tuition and FeesPreschool Class Options 2 Year Class (2 by Sept. 1, 2023) (Must be potty-trained) 3 Year Class (3 by Sept. 1, 2023) 2 Day – Tuesday / Thursday 3 Day – Monday / Wednesday / Friday 4 Day – Tuesday – Friday 5 Day – Monday – Friday 4 Year Class (4 by Sept. 1, 2023) 3 Day – Monday / Wednesday / Friday 4 Day – Tuesday - Friday 5 Day – Monday - Friday Kindergarten (5 by Sept. 1, 2023) 5 Day – Monday – Friday Pre-First Class (6 by Sept. 1, 2023) 5 Day – Monday – Friday MMO Class Options Babies Class (3 Months-12 Months) 2 Day – Tuesday / Thursday 3 Day – Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday 4 Day – Tuesday-Friday 5 Day – Monday-Friday Toddler Class (12 Months - 22Months) 2 Day – Tuesday / Thursday 3 Day – Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday 4 Day – Tuesday-Friday 5 Day – Monday-Friday Toddler Class (22 Months-2 Years) (not potty-trained) 2 Day – Tuesday/Thursday 3 Day – Monday/Wednesday/Friday 4 Day – Tuesday-Friday 5 Day – Monday-Friday Tuition & Fees Payment ScheduleRegistration fee for all Preschool / Kindergarten / Pre-first / MMO students is $100 (second child - $75). This registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and must accompany the application. There will also be a supply fee due in August and January for all students. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. A late fee of $20 will be charged after the 10th of each month.Monthly Tuition – Preschool / Kindergarten / Pre-first 2 Day / Week Class: $200 3 Day / Week Class: $220 4 Day / Week Class: $240 5 Day / Week Class: $260 Kindergarten (Lunch Bunch included): $390 Pre-First (Lunch Bunch Included): $410 MMO Tuition 2 Day / Week Class: $180 3 Day / Week Class: $200 4 Day / Week Class: $220 5 Day / Week Class: $240 Supply Fee: (Due August & January) 5 Day / Kindergarten / Pre-First: $50 per semester 4 Day: $45 per semester 3 Day: $40 per semester 2 Day: $30 per semester MMO: $25 per semester Book Fees Kindergarten: $75 Pre-first: $75 Optional Brunch LunchMonday – Thursday is $6.00 per day. (The Lunch Brunch days you choose are for the school year.) Pre-First – Lunch Bunch is included in tuition pricing.WithdrawalWritten notice is to be given to the Preschool Office, thirty (30) days prior to withdrawal.Tuition / Lunch BunchNo refunds will be made for short or long absences. This includes sick days, holidays and vacations. You will be credited for weather and emergency school closings.AdmissionsFirst Baptist Church – Roswell Preschool/Kindergarten/Pre-First/MMO accepts applications for enrollment on the following basis: First consideration is given to the students currently enrolled in the school. Applications are then accepted for the remaining places in the classrooms on a first-come basis. First Baptist Roswell Preschool/Kindergarten/Pre-First/MMO strives to accommodate children with varying abilities, but whose potential achievement is not incapacitated by special learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, hyperactivity, behavior problems or severe orthopedic, visual or hearing disabilities. FBRK is limited in professional staffing prepared to give assistance to children with the above described conditions. Any difficulties of which the school should be cognizant must appear on the registration form. Presence of conditions does not mean that admission will not be granted, rather the school board must determine if staffing, organization and finances are available to meet the child’s needs. Parents may be asked to assist in the financial responsibility of additional personnel. If our preschool cannot meet the needs of a child, we reserve the right to discontinue enrollment of said child. Potty Training – All children three years and above must be completely potty-trained. Two-year olds, attending the Two-Year Old Preschool Class, must be potty-trained, able to use the potty and able to come to school in a pull-up, if necessary, not a diaper. We do not have diaper changing facilities in the Preschool area. We have an MMO Toddler Class at FBRK, that can accommodate two-year olds, that have not begun potty training. Enrollment at FBRK is not limited to any race or national origin. It is the desire of FBRK to meet the development levels of all students, and to maintain appropriate student-teacher ratios. Class enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Adjustments may be made to maintain distribution of boys and girls in the class. (This includes waiting list.) Other adjustments may be made to meet the needs of the individual students and the obligations of the school. If there are any custody issues or a pending/final divorce arrangement, involving a child seeking acceptance to FBKR, all legal/binding custody agreement documents must be on file, before the child may attend school. A thirty-day notice must be given upon withdrawing your child from FBKR, or a month’s tuition must be paid. In making application for my child, I have read and understand the custody document requirement, potty training, tuition and fee payment schedule and have been given a copy at registration.Name *Signature *Start signing your signature hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.* We will have an updated Policy Handbook for the Fall of 2023.Submit