{"id":13512,"global_id":"fbroswell.org?id=13512","global_id_lineage":["fbroswell.org?id=13512"],"author":"3","status":"publish","date":"2023-03-29 08:59:46","date_utc":"2023-03-29 12:59:46","modified":"2023-03-29 09:19:23","modified_utc":"2023-03-29 13:19:23","url":"https:\/\/fbroswell.org\/event\/the-grace-project-bow-donations\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/fbroswell.org\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/13512","title":"The Grace Project – BOW Donations","description":"

As part of our Beyond Our Walls annual day of service, we are collecting donation items for the MUST Ministries Neighborhood Pantry and care bags to be distributed to the homeless.<\/p>\n


MUST Ministries Donations:<\/strong><\/p>\n

The churches on Mimosa have partnered with MUST Ministries’ Neighborhood Pantry to provide food and toiletries to at-risk students and their families.\u00a0 The pantry needs laundry detergent (large sizes to last a month) and toilet paper (6-pack or larger).\u00a0 Donation items can be dropped off at First Baptist Roswell in collection bins or at the church office.<\/p>\n


Care Bag Donations:<\/strong><\/p>\n

Help our Celebration Sunday school class with personal care packages.\u00a0 The class is assembling packages on our BOW day of service and donation items are needed!\u00a0 Consider giving one or more items from the list below.\u00a0 All items must fit in a gallon-sized bag, so travel-size items work best when appropriate.<\/p>\n