General Committees
Audit Committee: The committee has the duty each year of selecting a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to the church members to audit or review the church’s financial statements. The committee assists the CPA in making the audit or the review. The committee has the responsibility of interpreting the report and reporting their findings to the church at the next scheduled business meeting. The committee is responsible for instituting proper methods of internal audit control procedures and following through on a continuing basis to assure compliance.
Budget & Finance: The committee develops and recommends an annual budget to the church for adoption. The committee leads the church to subscribe the adopted budget and provides the oversight required to ensure that the Church’s monies are received and disbursed in a fiscally responsible manner in accordance with the annual budget. The committee develops and maintains sound financial procedures and policies, reviews the monthly financial reports and keeps the congregation informed regarding the status of receipts and expenditures.
Children’s Committee: The Children’s Committee is responsible for planning, implementing, and chaperoning activities structured for the fellowship and outreach of children in grades one through six.
Constitution & By-Laws Committee: The Constitution and By-Laws Committee reviews the entire Constitution and By-Laws at least annually and recommends to the church any substantive changes or revisions it deems necessary.
Counting Committee: The Counting Committee meets every Monday morning to pick up the night depository bags at the bank, count and record the offerings, & prepare and make the deposit.
Deacon Nominating: This committee presents the names of the members whom they consider eligible for consideration by the church to fill the needed Deacon vacancies.
Denominational Emphasis Committee: The Denominational Emphasis Committee has the responsibility of presenting information to the church regarding activities, programs, and events that relate to all levels of Baptist life. The committee also assists the church in being represented at associational, state, and national conventions related to Baptist work.
Family Ministry Committee: The Family Ministry Committee provides support and guidance for the activities of the Pastoral Counselor and the staff of the Counseling Center. The committee helps plan and support pro-active ministry to church families and outreach to the community.
Future Development Committee: The Future Development Committee formulates and recommends church objectives, goals and action plans. This committee analyzes the present and future needs of the church and community and makes appropriate recommendations for major directions within the contemporary situations of our church and community.
House and Grounds Committee: This committee is responsible for the safekeeping, protection, maintenance and repair of the buildings. They are also responsible for general landscape planning and upkeep of the grounds. They are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the heating, air conditioning, lighting, and public address system; doing as much of the repair work as possible; and promoting and directing work days for this purpose. Committee recommends policies to the church regarding the use of the property and recommends contracts for new construction and repairs that require the employment of others.
Kindergarten Committee: The Kindergarten Committee assists the Kindergarten Director as needed in hiring Kindergarten personnel and serves as a liaison between the church and the Kindergarten.
Memorial Committee: The committee ensures that the Church observes and honors each donor’s original restrictions for the Memorial Funds. This includes ensuring that any disbursements from the Memorial Funds, and their subsequent investment earnings, are consistent with the donor’s original restrictions, the laws of Georgia and the United States of America, and applicable regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. The committee determines the investment strategy for the Memorial Funds and invests the Memorial Funds in accordance with that strategy, including selecting independent investment managers or trustees.
Missions Committee: The committee’s goal is to share the redeeming love of Jesus Christ with the people of Roswell, greater Atlanta, the United States and the world. (Acts 1:8). The committee coordinates the various mission activities of the church and provides support as needed. They develop and staff new initiatives for spreading the Gospel and make our church members aware of the church’s mission activities. They also provide opportunities for sharing the love of Jesus Christ and encourage our members to participate in those opportunities.
Music Committee: The Music Committee sees that suitable music is provided for all worship services of the church, promotes and encourages enlistment in the choirs and has general supervision of the organ, church music library, robes, pianos, other instruments and hymn books.
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee recommends persons for all volunteer positions, except the Nominating Committee, to be elected by the church.
Personnel Committee: The Personnel Committee is responsible for matters related to employees of the church, both ministerial and staff. It is responsible for developing and periodically reviewing job descriptions, evaluating ministerial job performance, administering salary and benefits, and approving the needs of support staff.
Preschool Committee: The Preschool Committee recommends and publicizes Preschool policies and procedures; plans, publicizes and coordinates Preschool events; and develops procedures for the cooperative use of equipment, supplies and space.
Youth Committee: The Youth committee is responsible for working with the Minister of Youth to coordinate all youth work in the church.
Standing Committees
Baptismal Committee: The Baptismal Committee assists in preparing for Ordinance of Baptism.
Benevolence Committee: The Benevolence Committee performs special acts of benevolence to persons in need in the name of Christ and His church. These needs may be physical, social, or mental.
Flower Committee: The Flower Committee is responsible for securing, arranging, and disposing of floral arrangement for church services.
History Committee: The History Committee preserves and records the historical material of the church. The committee preserves copies of church minutes in the church Media Center which contain significant church actions and events of historical value. They also assist church members regarding awareness of the importance of church history on special anniversary dates.
Hospitality Committee: The Hospitality Committee helps organize, plan, and coordinate church-wide fellowships and special lunches or dinners. This committee coordinates the use of the church facilities involved with the preparation, serving and cleanup of food with the appropriate church staff.
Insurance Committee: This committee checks, at least annually, the total value of all properties owned by the church and provides for proper insurance coverage on such. They obtain from the various Rating Commissions of the state the rate upon which premiums are to be computed. They also make necessary inspections of all properties and keep the House and Grounds Committee informed as to conditions that may need attention to make risks favorable from an insurance standpoint.
Lord’s Supper Committee: The Lord’s Supper Committee prepares the elements and the equipment for the observance of the Lord’s Supper. The Committee does the preparatory and maintenance work needed to observe the memorial service.
Marketing Committee: The Marketing Committee is responsible for promoting and publicizing the church both internally and to the public at large through public relations activities, advertising, and the use of any available media or means it deems appropriate to increase awareness of the church and its ministries.
Scout Committee: The Scout Committee administers the Boy Scout Program under the direction of the church.
Technology Committee: The Technology Committee is responsible for the oversight of the maintenance and upkeep of church office equipment, computer systems, software, communications equipment and other technology required for church operations. Its responsibilities include making recommendations for technology additions, improvements and replacements. The committee also oversees the maintenance and upkeep of the church internet web site, including site development and supporting infrastructure.
Transportation Committee: The Transportation Committee recommends policies and procedures to the Church for the use of church vehicles. This committee reviews the records of trips, drivers, and vehicle performance and maintenance on a regular basis. They conduct special studies for the Church, as necessary, for vehicle procurement, disposition, and maintenance.
Service Organizations
Media Center: The church Media Center Program is conducted under the direction of the Director of Media Center for the purpose of accomplishing the following tasks: Provide, interpret, and promote printed and audiovisual materials. Consult with church leaders and members in the use of these materials. Work with the pastor, church staff, and leaders of organizations in coordinating the media center services with church programs.
Recreation: The Recreation Team along with the Recreation Director direct the policies, coordination, operation, and evaluation of the recreation activities based on the work assigned to the recreation staff.
Audio: The primary functions of the audio service are to: provide competent operation of all electronic equipment for amplified sound as needed, advise and recommend purchases, and provide all maintenance related functions regarding audio equipment for the church.
Wedding: The purpose of this organization is to establish the policies and procedures for wedding services performed on the church premises and to supervise the coordinating of such services.
People are asking three questions in this world;
1. Do I Matter to God?
2. Do I Matter to You?
3. Do I Matter to Others?
We build on people, not programs. Not just “what kind of things are we trying to do”? But, “what kind of people are we trying to build”? We are less concerned about making church full of people and more concerned about making people full of God.